“We are Wired to Connect: How Connection Changes Wellness and Productivity”
Moderator: Jennifer Chandler, Owner, Simple Desk
In this interactive and experiential workshop, participants will engage in activities to develop a shared understanding of what community, and connection, really mean and how they are directly correlated with accountability within their organization. Through meaningful discussions and exercises, we will explore ways to foster a culture of accountability and strengthen connections among team members and each other. By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained valuable insights and strategies for promoting community and connection and improving accountability to each other in the workplace.
Participant Take Aways:
- Exploring the science of connection: How are humans wired to connect?
- What is community and why does it matter at work?
- The effects of disconnect – how does it impact us at home and work?
- Ecological model of individual, relationships, community and society – why we should care?
- Effective ways to build connection and community in your business and improve productivity and well-being
Speaker: Theresa Bailey, Founder & CEO, Starfish Synergies Inc.