Brad is the Managing Director of IWSCC (Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada) and President of Brohman & Associates, a general consultancy firm focused on business development and strategy, leadership, and government relations. He consults for organizations in accessibility, technology, higher education, government, and not-for-profits, among others.
Before opening Brohman & Associates, Brad was VP at the Rick Hansen Foundation, COO of a global high-tech company (Kivuto), and held senior positions in both the Provincial (BC) and Federal governments, as well as Sustainable Development Technology Canada, a clean-tech investment foundation.
Brad’s varied work background and law degree offers him the acumen to thoughtfully advise on Adaptability Canada’s strategic direction, contracts, government relations, and software development. His breadth of experience with various stakeholders and ability to judiciously evaluate opportunities helps ADC and its team operate from a position of strength.