“Changemakers Catalyzing Sustainable Global Futures”: As leaders you have the ability to be the change we want to see in the world.
Thu, April 25, 2024, 12-00-2:15 pm PST
Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lunch, Keynote and Plenary Session
Moderator: Amanda Ellis, Former UN Ambassador and Best Selling Business Author, Senior Director of Asu Wrigley Global Futures Lab
- Learn how to invest in technologies and strategies for a green planet.
- Identify tools and techniques that help you outline how to action sustainability initiatives that can support both short-term and long-term business success.
- Hear from leaders on how they support strategies in a way that is unleashing action across the business, and in turn new growth opportunities.
Key Note: Henk Rogers, Founder, BluePlanet Foundation, Blue Planet Energy & Blue Planet Alliance
- Monique Maissan, Founder & CEO, Waste2Wear (block chain backed fully traceable textiles made from recycled plastics
- Nicole Rycroft, Founder and Executive Director of award winning environmental not-for-profit, Talks about #conservation, #supplychains, #circulareconomy, #climatesolutions, and #sustainablefashion
- Moriah Linton, Head, BMO for Women & North American Director Commercial & Wealth Initiatives, BMO Bank of Montreal
“Encouraging a Sustainable Future”: As leaders you have the ability to be the change we want to see in the world.
Thur, April 25, 2024, 12-00-2:15 pm PST
Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lunch, Keynote and Plenary Session
Moderator: Amanda Ellis, Former UN Ambassador and Best Selling Business Author, Senior Director of Asu Wrigley Global Futures Lab
- Learn how to invest in technologies and strategies for a green planet.
- Identify tools and techniques that help you outline how to action sustainability initiatives that can support both short-term and long-term business success.
- Hear from leaders on how they support strategies in a way that is unleashing action across the business, and in turn new growth opportunities.
Key Note: Henk Rogers, Founder, BluePlanet Foundation, Blue Planet Energy & Blue Planet Alliance
- Monique Maissan, Founder & CEO, Waste2Wear (block chain backed fully traceable textiles made from recycled plastics
- Nicole Rycroft, Founder and Executive Director of award winning environmental not-for-profit, Talks about #conservation, #supplychains, #circulareconomy, #climatesolutions, and #sustainablefashion
- Moriah Linton, Head, BMO for Women & North American Director Commercial & Wealth Initiatives, BMO Bank of Montreal